Table Tennis

London appoints table tennis manager

altMARCH 2 - RICHARD SCRUTON has been appointed as the competition manager for table tennis at London 2012, it was announced today.


Scruton will oversee all aspects of the table tennis competition during the Olympics and Paralympics at ExCeL.


He will provide a focal point for the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) in relation to competition issues whilst ensuring that the competition is organised in accordance with ITTF regulations, the IOC Charter and the Host City Contract.


He will also be liaising with other LOCOG functional areas to ensure the co-ordinated delivery of support services such as accreditation, transport, medical, venue operations and volunteers.


Scruton said: said: “I am delighted to join the team of London 2012 sport competition managers and look forward to working with the ITTF to deliver outstanding Olympic and Paralympic table tennis competitions.


"In Athens and Beijing I was grateful for the help and advice I received from previous Olympic table tennis competition managers.


"The four table arena at ExCeL will provide a memorable experience for athletes, spectators and volunteers.


"I look forward to helping showcase the sport that is the largest participation sport in the world and which began in Great Britain .”   


Scruton, a Yorkshireman, has been involved in the sport since 1967 when he was at Leeds Town Hall when he watched the English champion Denis Neale beat the legendary German defender Eberhard Scholer.


Within a few years he was club and local association secretary, competition administrator and event organiser.


He umpired at the 1977 World Championships in Birmingham but refereeing and competition organisation were his main interests.


From 1991 he was referee of 25 major international events in Europe and the Commonwealth culminating in the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens .


He has chaired English Table Tennis Association committees for 14 years and he will be competition manager for the Commonwealth Championships, due to be held in Glasgow in May, Glasgow, and the English Open at Sheffield in October.


Scruton, who visited the Beijing Olympics last year as an observer, will begin his role at London full-time in April 2010. 


Jordi Serra, the executive director of the ITTF, said: “The ITTF is very pleased with the appointment of Richard as competition manager for table tennis for London 2012.


"He has a lot of experience in our sport. 


"He has been involved in past Olympic Games and we all remember his great work as a referee of the table tennis competitions in Athens 2004.


"He also has a good knowledge of our Federation and we are very happy to be working with him for the success of the table tennis events in London 2012.”


Alex Murdoch, the chairman of the British Table Tennis Federation (BTTF) and member of the British Olympic Association, said: “This is an excellent appointment and the sport is fully supportive of Richard.


"His expertise, knowledge and experience have been gained over many years via his involvement at every level of our sport.


"He has worked closely with the national and international federations in a number of capacities and we are proud that someone from Great Britain has been appointed to this very important and prestigious role.”